TCS CodeVita Results 2019

TCS CodeVita Results 2019: Tata Consultancy Services TCS
has been conducting TCS CodeVita programming contest every year as a session wise
across the Global (TCS Global Coding Contest) to select the right candidates
for various big projects and code solutions at TCS work environment. Now that the candidates have appeared for the round 1of tcs codevita 2019, They may be eagerly waiting for the results of tcs codevita results 2019. The candidates who have selected should have to attend 2 more rounds to be qualified.
Mostly, pre-final and final
year students are eligible for TCS Codevita contest. It is perfectly suitable
for computer science engineering (CSE), Information Technology (IT), and other
interested any Engineering and non-engineering candidates (technical and
non-technical). Those who have applied and attended the first written test (first round of tcs codevita), Here, Today Job Updates is informing you that TCS CodeVita Results 2020 will be released soon.
year students are eligible for TCS Codevita contest. It is perfectly suitable
for computer science engineering (CSE), Information Technology (IT), and other
interested any Engineering and non-engineering candidates (technical and
non-technical). Those who have applied and attended the first written test (first round of tcs codevita), Here, Today Job Updates is informing you that TCS CodeVita Results 2020 will be released soon.
Name of the organization
Tata Consultancy Services |
Name of the post
TCS CodeVita 8 |
Session 8 |
No of rounds
3 |
Prize money
$2000.00 |
IT |
Last dates to apply
24th June 2019 |
Selection procedure
Online code test |
will be released soon |
TCS CodeVita Important dates:
Start Date
End Date
8th March 2019, 10:30 UTC
14th July 2019, 18:30 UTC
Pre Qualifier Zonal Round
3rd August 2019, 09:30 UTC
10th August 2019, 09:30 UTC
Qualifier Round
8th December 2019, 03:30 UTC
10th December 2019, 03:30 UTC
Grand Finale
26th February 2020, 09:30 UTC
26th February 2020, 12:30 UTC
TCS CodeVita Season 8 Exam Pattern:
There are 3 rounds in the contest they are
The pre-Qualifier Round: In this round, there will be a 24 hours contest window and each and every participant is provided with 6 hours of time to solve the questions. Pre-Qualifier round is done in India as well as the rest of the world separately. This season there will be two zonal rounds in INDIA for Pre-Qualifier. A participant will be tagged to one of the two zonal rounds and you can choose any of the 6 hours to start your challenge. Programming languages available are C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby.
Qualifier Round: This season Qualifier Round (Round 2) would happen after the completion of all the Pre-Qualifier rounds across the world. Top performers from the zonal rounds globally will move into this round. Each participant will be provided with 6 hours of time to solve & complete this round.
Grand Finale: This round will be held in one of the TCSL offices in India. Top 3 contestants will be declared as winners of the contest. The grand finale is tentatively scheduled to be conducted in the last week of February 2020.
Topics to cover for codevita: From the experience of students who have attended TCS CodeVita, below are the topics to be covered during the test.
- Basic programs like prime factorization, LCM & HCF, Fibonacci series, matrix rotation, pattern printing, and strings.
- Advanced problems on Binary Search Tree, Sorting, DFS, BFS, problems on dynamic programming, etc.
TCS CodeVita Advantages:
The contest will also
- Help
TCS spot bright students - Provide students an opportunity to showcase their
programming talent and earn peer recognition. - Provide an opportunity to showcase
offerings of TCS to the academic world - Provides a platform for students to
practice and enhance their programming skills. - Provide an exciting career
opportunities for students in TCS - Participation certificates for students who
clear the pre-qualifier round.
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