The interview is one of the most life-changing tasks for the person who has Qualified the respective Entrance Exam. Its mostly said that Interviews are hard and tough. Candidates feel it harder if there are being interviewed with more than one person. They are all looking at you while you come up with the answer that will capture for you are important for the job. Nervousness during an interview makes you sweat and straighten your curls, one should know how to overcome fear during interviews. In addition to picking out your best outfit, taking a good sleep at night and preparing for the best, here are some fantastic tips to attend the interview without any fear.

General Reasons For Fear of Interviews
- Lack of Preparation: If you attend an interview without being completely prepared, there are many chances of asking questions from the topics which you have not prepared.
- Bad Body Language: One has to have complete control over their body language. Bad gestures and body language develop a negative impact on the minds of interviewers.
- Fear of not getting the Job: Constant worry at the back of the mind causes fear and affect the interview adversely.
- Fear of facing an interviewer: There are many individuals who fear to face someone eye to eye. Fear of facing an interviewer reveals itself through a lack of eye contact and excessive nervousness. Such individuals lose out on prominent opportunities because of their shyness.
- Lack of Confidence in oneself: Lack of Confidence in an individual is visible when he has grown up. If he is not confident he may have drooping shoulders and lack of eye contact with other individuals. Lack of Confidence will affect an individual’s career in a very bad way.
- History of previous jobs: The insecurities of a job life makes him scared and nervous. This fear gets visible during future interviews. It prevents him from making a good impression during interviews.
Eliminate or Overcome the Causes of Fear during Interviews:
- Practice and Go fully prepared: One should have to be fully prepared for an interview and should be able to answer the questions of an interviewer. Individual Should have to thoroughly know how to prepare for an interview. If he doesn’t know the answer he should be able to accept and say that he doesn’t know the answer.
- This is not the Last Opportunity: Don’t be in the fear of not getting the job. The job that you are applying may be good but not the only job. There are multiple job opportunities across the world nowadays. you need to understand this is the one among the many jobs.
- Meet the interviewer eye in eye: The eye to eye contact with someone shows that you are confident enough. if you really want to impress the interviewer you have to maintain an eye in eye contact.
- Stay Motivated: You need to be cheerful and motivates when you head for an interview. Do not let people near you lose your confidence by demotivational speeches, these aren’t helping you in any way.
- Let your Personality shine: Once the interviewer has seen all about you in the piece of paper there are many chances of asking “tell me about yourself”.It is time to let your personality shine through. Talk about your core values that match the company.
- Dress Properly and perfectly: If you look good and perfectly dressed half of the impression is already made in the interview. Select a formal attire if subtle shade that suits you. Make sure your nails are cut, your hair is well combed and your shoes are perfectly polished. Your perfect dressing cast a good impression to the interviewer at first glance.
- Eat properly: Do not skip meals just before the interview, it may cause burp during the interview which makes a bad impression during the interview. Skipping meals may also cause headache and stomachache during the interview by which an individual could not perform well.
- Sleep well: Every adult requires 6-8 hours of proper sleep. Lack of sleep causes anxiety and tension which will affect your performance during the interview.
- Don’t be in a hurry: Take your time. The interviews generally allot about an hour, Take this time to improve and highlight your career. Pause before you answer, this makes it appear as though you are thoughtful but not struggling during the conversation.
- Schedule the plan for the day beforehand: You need to plan before a day in advance, plan all your daily activities like:
- At what time you will wake up?
- What should you eat?
- How will you travel?
- How should you travel ? etc.
Make sure you have a copy of the documents you have to carry. You need to look fresh for an interview. Make sure you wear a watch so that you can keep a track of time Avoid Eating junk food, Make sure you reach on time.
Also, Check frequently asked HR interview question and answers.
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